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Safety and quality dashboard

Based initially around the content of the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) Intelligent Monitoring Reports (IMR), we also include indicators from 16 other data sources that publish national audits, surveys and ongoing surveillance. This includes data from NHS England, Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), Picker NHS Staff Survey, General Medical Council National Training Survey together with other data available through the CQC. This allows for a detailed overview of how acute Trusts are performing in key safety and quality areas against other Trusts in the region as well as against the national average.

The SQD was initially timed to be sent to subscribers following publication of the IMR but in November 2015 the CQC advised that the IMR report would no longer be published. NEQOS will continue to provide a revised SQD that follows the format of the initial dashboard and incorporates a similar range of indicators across the five domains of care: safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.  NEQOS will ensure that consistent metrics are used for comparisons across Trusts and over different time periods.  Standard methods of identifying negative outliers (referred to as ‘areas of concern’) as well as positive outliers will be applied to this source data. This will prompt action where there are ongoing patient safety and quality issues as well as highlight where there is high quality care and the Trust is a positive outlier (significantly better that the national average).


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