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Deep dive mortality project for individual Trusts

The quarterly NEQOS Hospital Mortality Monitoring reports give subscribing providers and commissioners regular hospital mortality and benchmarking information to assist with assurance across the region. Subscribing Trusts can then specifically commission NEQOS to provide more detailed analysis of their mortality figures in particular.

A ‘deep dive’ mortality report for an individual Trust is usually produced in two sections. The first section brings together the data used in the quarterly monitoring report and supplements it with additional detail and analysis. The second section of the report details the themes from interviews which would have been carried out with a range of key staff at the Trust, an analysis of Trust documents relevant to mortality and the Trust’s position using a range of safety indicators.

These extensive reports include several graphical aids; for example, Variable Life Adjusted Displays (VLADs) are routinely produced for the Trust by SHMI diagnosis group (see Figure) and these are included in the reports.

Figure: Sample Variable Life Adjusted Displays (VLADs) by SHMI diagnosis group

deep dive mortality

The reports include conclusions from examining the data and from the thematic analysis of the interviews. Finally, NEQOS provide specific recommendations for action based on their analysis.

We engage with the Trust throughout the process and will discuss and present the findings with them, including delivering presentations to Trust Boards.


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