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NEQOS & the AHSN working to address national priorities on sepsis

The life-threatening condition of sepsis has been thrust into the spotlight following the publication of new (July 2016) national guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

NEQOS has been working with the North East and North Cumbria Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and Clarity Informatics, through the AHSN funded the ‘Serious Infection’ project which monitors the prevalence and implementation of nationally recognised care bundles for sepsis and community acquired pneumonia.

The care bundle adherence analysis project formed part of larger scale regional work around sepsis aimed to reduce mortality, length of stay in hospital and re-admissions.

The full article relating to how NEQOS and the AHSN are working to provide better care to patients in the region can be found here.

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