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NEQOS Population Health & Healthcare Surveillance – Impact of COVID-19

Report 1

This surveillance report provides timely activity data relating to areas of concern in the NENC area due to COVID-19, based on rapid impact assessments that took place in Spring 2020.

This includes metrics which report delays in presentation to / access to health services (primary care, acute and mental health), impact on screening, diagnostic and immunisation programmes, impact on healthy lifestyles and coping behaviours, and NHS staff sickness absence rates.

Link: NEQOS Surveillance Report 1


Report 2 – Healthcare Utilisation

This report focuses on a key set of metrics relating to healthcare utilisation, presenting hospital activity-based information from A&E, outpatient and inpatient settings using the latest data available from Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and also includes primary care activity.

Activity is presented as rates by CCG (by financial year), by deprivation decile (to highlight potential inequalities and variation in need), and as a trend over time for the NENC area.

Link: NEQOS Surveillance Report 2 – Healthcare Utilisation


Report 2 – Appendix update

This Appendix to Report 2 includes an update to the time period reported for the activity trend charts in Report 2 (now to the end of Sept ’20) and activity rates per CCG for the most recent financial years are expressed as directly standardised rates.

Link: NEQOS Surveillance Report 2 Appendix 1 – Healthcare Utilisation update